1 Additions 1.1 Blocks 1.2 Items 1.3 Mobs 1.4 ⦠I'm really anxious to see how the Nether mobs will turn up to be! Great work on this pack. I'm so happy that squishy pixels updated! That or you could just make your own from scratch. If you use this pack for a public project, credit is appreciated but not required. As of 1.13, we have made some changes to the pack manifest with a new format version of "2". Modifying any textures of this pack for personal use. Is that possible? Version Bedrock 1.8: Les ocelots et les chats ont été divisés en deux créatures distinctes.

why is the lava sides looks weird on dark place? 1 Obtention 1.1 Génération naturelle 2 Destruction 2.1 Mode Créatif 2.2 Commande 3 Utilisation 4 Historique 5 Notes diverses 6 Références La bedrock peut uniquement être obtenue grâce au mode Créatif ou à des commandes. One suggestion is that you bring an update to the Weather. How might i go about applying the XBR effect to my (16x) skin? This pack is a 64x pack. Unfortunately, several of the mods are broken at the moment due to the new Resource Pack system changing things, but they'll be put back online as options as it becomes feasable. The texture pack looks great in the day and at night but when it rains/snows the Custom Sky is covered with the dull default sky. Thank you for notifying me, I will submit an update to fix it. Can we have a non 3d version of this pack for java? Hafen is an excellent texture pack 10/10! Keep up the good work mate. Q: Can I get this pack for Windows10/Mobile/Xbox/PS4/Switch? Faithful's nice, but not all the textures are made to 64x when I download the 1.14.4 version.